Drum Beat Backtracks
A collection of links to several drum backing tracks suitable for keeping a steady beat and creating a more fun environment in the classroom.
A collection of links to several drum backing tracks suitable for keeping a steady beat and creating a more fun environment in the classroom.
Parent Letters
A collection of letters and resources to share with the parents of band students throughout the year.
A collection of letters and resources to share with the parents of band students throughout the year.
Music Games
A collection of music based games to aid in a wide variety of music skills.
A collection of music based games to aid in a wide variety of music skills.
Great Players
Great artists on each band instrument, with recordings of their performances
Great artists on each band instrument, with recordings of their performances
Band Exercises and Resources
A collection of handouts, warmups, and fingering charts that I use for band instruction.
A collection of handouts, warmups, and fingering charts that I use for band instruction.
Percussion Exercises and Resources
A collection of warmups and handouts specific to the percussion section.
A collection of warmups and handouts specific to the percussion section.
Composition Resources
A collection of music composition resources that I have used.
A collection of music composition resources that I have used.